NPUC 学院 Dual Credit Program

高中生和他们的家庭应该仔细考虑获得大学学位学分的选择,包括大学先修课程(AP)。, 国际 Baccalaureate, and Dual Credit programs. Well-designed dual credit programs can improve high school achievement, increase university graduation rates, and potentially reduce the cost of a higher education degree. However, in some cases AP courses may be more rigorous than a dual credit course. 另外, 双学分课程可能会比同等的大学课程持续更长时间,这可能会给人一种大学课程节奏的错觉.

Dual credit courses go on a student's permanent university record, so it is important that the student is ready for the demands of a university class. 此外, if a student fails a dual credit course, it could mean the student will not graduate from high school on time. 家长和学生在入学前应仔细考虑任何双学分课程的价值和风险.


Download the NPUC 学院 Dual Credit Program policy (PDF) >

Download the dual credit application form >



An 学院 may propose to offer a dual credit course following the qualifications, 预期, and finances as shown below. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:



To participate in offering a dual credit program, an 学院 must: 

  • Be accredited through the NPUC Department of Education
  • Have an overall environment conducive to a successful university-level academic experience 
  • Have an administration that recognizes the demands of instructing a university course, provides adequate time for instruction periods (ten hours of class for each credit), and works to minimize schedule changes
  • Provide adequate facilities, such as a classroom, library, or laboratory, as needed 
  • Make available appropriate materials and equipment for the course 
  • 确保大学课程不会干扰整体课程,也不会妨碍学生学习高中课程

To propose offering dual credit courses, 学院 administration must:

  1. 提交学院希望提供的每门课程的双学分申请表给世界大学教务副校长
  2. 只建议当前世界大学公告中列出的100级和200级通识教育课程
  3. 要求教师提交硕士或更高学位或同等学历的证明,他们打算指导的课程是世界大学认证标准要求的 
  4. Submit requests by December 1 for courses to be offered the following school year

To offer dual credit courses once a proposal is accepted, 学院 administration must:

  1. Ensure students have junior or senior academic standing and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  2. Verify students are enrolled in no more than 两个 dual credit courses per term
  3. 每门课程开课后一周内向世界大学学术档案办公室提交双学分登记表. First semester courses will be registered as fall quarter courses at WWU; second semester courses will be registered as spring quarter courses at WWU.
  4. Monitor the work load of the instructor to accommodate the 预期 of a university course
  5. Evaluate instructor and course effectiveness using the WWU student evaluations system
  6. 安排双学分讲师每年至少访问WWU一次,同时在大学校园内进行课程
  7. Collect the course tuition from each student
  8. Submit to WWU quarterly payment for tuition charges


教师在支持学生成功以及确保学术严谨性和课堂环境适合大学课程方面发挥着重要作用. A dual credit instructor’s professionalism and individuality are to be respected; he/she will counsel with the university department chair, to the same extent that on-campus instructors do, regarding course outline, text or materials, and evaluation of students. 他/她将被要求满足部门和一般行政政策(添加和删除截止日期), 成绩报告, 等., as found in the WWU Bulletin), and to maintain the same quality of instruction as his/her university colleagues.



To participate in offering a dual credit course, an 学院 instructor must: 

  1. 在他/她所指导的课程中拥有硕士或更高学位或同等学历,符合世界大学认证标准 
  2. Be committed to the task of teaching a university-level course
  3. Have a work load that accommodates the time commitment of a university course

To teach a dual credit course, an 学院 instructor must:

  1. Teach only one dual credit course per term
  2. Complete a brief online orientation for dual credit instructors
  3. Construct a course syllabus using the university syllabus guidelines, including subjects covered, time devoted to each subject, length of periods, days classes meet, 文本(年代), and bibliography, where appropriate, and submit the syllabus to 
    1. the supervising WWU academic department chair for approval, and once approved,
    2. 至少在开课前一个月将教学大纲提交世界大学远程教育委员会审议和批准
  4. Use WWU course management software for recording scores and making materials accessible
  5. Keep course materials and scores updated in course management software
  6. 遵循美国教育部的要求,每学分至少有10小时的教学,每学分总共有30小时的学生努力(包括上课出勤)。 
  7. Consult with the assigned university course advisor at least twice during the course
  8. Send a copy of the proposed final exam, 项目, or paper for review by the university course advisor at least 两个 周 before the due date
  9. 学期结束后一周内向世界大学学术档案办公室提交最终课程成绩


To participate in the dual credit program, a student must: 

  1. Be enrolled at an NPUC 学院 and have junior or senior status
  2. Have a cumulative 学院 GPA of 3.0或更高
  3. Have successfully completed Algebra I and Geometry
  4. Obtain permission from the 学院 instructor and principal
  5. 完成一些WWU课程(如大学写作或数学)的分班考试,并在满足上述一般标准的基础上获得可接受的分班分数

To participate in the dual credit program, a qualified student: 

  1. May enroll in a maximum of sixteen WWU credits per year 
  2. 必须满足WWU的注册截止日期,该截止日期决定了学生希望获得的学分类型(大学, 学院, 或双) 
  3. 必须按时参加所有的课程预约和完成作业,就像“普通”大学生一样 
  4. Should plan for 两个 hours of homework/study for each hour of class
  5. 想要保持良好的学习习惯和时间管理技能对在大学课堂上取得成功至关重要吗
  6. Should seek assistance from his/her instructor when encountering difficulties 
  7. 必须在每门课程中取得至少“C”的成绩才能保持在WWU的正常学术地位,因为低GPA可能导致被大学开除
  8. 如果学生选择退课,必须在截止日期前联系世界大学学业记录办公室,因为学生不会自动退课,而且退课可能会影响学院毕业
  9. 是否应按照导师的要求,通过世界大学的课程管理系统查询课程成绩和提交作业

To participate in the dual credit program, a qualified student: 

  1. 每节课支付250美元的学费,无论课程学分多少,也无论学生是否退课 
  2. Must understand that once a course has started, no refunds are given
  3. Must purchase his/her own textbooks and supplies


To begin the process and activate course proposals for dual credit, the Associate Vice President for Academic 政府 will:

  1. 与WWU相应学术部门的主席一起审查来自学院的双学分课程申请
  2. 申请课程接受或拒绝,应及时通知学院院长
  3. Grant approval to offer a given course on a one-year provisional basis 
  4. Review and grant subsequent approval of a course, subject to annual evaluation by the chair of the appropriate academic department, 在两年的基础上,有一项理解,即申请中最初条件的任何变化都可能使两年的批准无效,并可能需要重新申请并恢复一年的临时身份

To support offering a quality dual credit program, WWU must: 

  1. Work with the 学院 to ensure a quality university experience for instructors and students
  2. Provide a dual credit website that includes the following:
    1. Information on dual credit policies, qualifications, 预期
    2. Instructions for 学院 students, 学院 administration, 学院 instructors
    3. Application and registration forms
    4. 大学 syllabus guidelines
    5. The most recent university syllabus for any approved dual credit course
    6. 联系 information for course support and technical assistance
  3. Provide online training for dual credit instructors
  4. Evaluate the proposed course syllabus through the WWU distance learning committee
  5. Assign a WWU faculty member as a course advisor
  6. Provide technical assistance with course management software
  7. Provide technical assistance with the WWU course evaluations system
  8. Provide access and instructions for online grade entry
  9. Provide feedback to instructors through the WWU student evaluations system
  10. 在临时学年期间,由WWU自费安排一名相应大学部门的代表至少访问每个双学分课程一次. Such contacts are vital for
    1. Encouraging interrelationships with departmental colleagues
    2. Reinforcing departmental academic criteria
    3. Generally enriching the instructor and thereby his/her course
  11. Do a site visit of course location on a biannual basis, if course is ongoing
  12. Record student grades on a WWU transcript
  13. Send an invoice to the 学院 at the end of each term for the tuition fee for all students